Thursday, March 18, 2010

St. Patrick's Day one day late!

Travis has class late on Wednesdays. I forgot this when I went to the store Monday to buy my ingredients for our First St. Patrick's Day Feast, which happened to fall on a Wednesday. Oops. So I am making it tonight. Corn beef and cabbage, potatoes, carrots, rolls, you know the meal. I LOVE this meal! Travis hasn't ever had it before and he is a little bit scared for tonight, but willing to be a good sport for my sake. Lets be honest just the words corn beef and cabbage do not sound all THAT appetizing.

This will be my first attempt at making this so wish me luck! My cooking skills are set on beginner mode but I am determined to become some version of Julia Childs all the while looking as cool and calm as Giada De Laurentiis and as funny as Paula Dean in the kitchen. You know, just the usual domestic goddess, no big deal right? Right.


  1. I love your blog! I want to become a domestic goddess too! However, right now I'm a frazzled new mother who doesn't have time to do her own hair let alone make a gourmet meal... I think it's time for me to implement the crockpot into my life. haha
